Resistance Protocols

ATR Theory Patch: The How

Q: Will the TIS collapse on its own, without ATRs doing anything? A: If ATRs did nothing, it would collapse on its own at some point in the distant future, but this could be decades after human beings are already extinct. Even if some humans were to survive long enough to see the spontaneous collapse of the TIS, the amount of damage done to the wild nature and the amount of pollution created by that point is likely to leave most of the Earth uninhabitable and ugly. ATRs should therefore, move the point at which the terminal collapse of the TIS will happen, so that it happens sooner. ATRs should prepare themselves to deliver the finishing blow to the TIS as soon as it falls non-terminally but seriously ill. Q: How can ATRs make the terminal collapse of the TIS happen sooner? A: The TIS is an abstract system that is hard to wrap one’s imagination around. To explain how the TIS would terminally collapse, we use as a metaphor the terminal collapse of a system that is easy to imagine – an animal. The terminal collapse (death) of an animal happens when one of its vital organs (such as brain, respiratory system, heart) is damaged to the point where it stops functioning. Likewise, the TIS will terminally collapse when one of its vital organs stops functioning. Just like the TIS, an animal is bound to die at some point. If we wanted to move the point at which an animal will die, so that it happens sooner, we would target one of its vital organs, and try to damage it. Same logic applies to the TIS. Q: Should attacks by ATRs on the targeted vital organ be spread across time, or should these attacked be timed to all happen within a short time frame? A single tsunami carries much more destructive power than a myriad of mediocre waves. If a group of people were to hunt an animal with bows and arrows, the chance of success for the hunters would go up if they launched their attacks at roughly the same time. If one hunter attacks the animal before the others, then the animal has a high chance to escape or launch a successful counterattack. If one hunt fails, then the animal would be put on higher alert before the next hunter comes. The animal would have more experience fighting against the bow and arrows. It would have time to rest until facing the next hunter, and time to recover from injuries if it has sustained any. It would also be more likely to actively seek out hunters to attack, in order to remove the threat from them. In contrast, if hunters attack it simultaneously, then they can surround it, greatly reducing its chance of fleeing or successfully counterattacking. If it does manage to take down one hunter, it will have no time to rest or recover from injuries before having to fight another one. Like hunters, ATRs should time their attack. This is even more the case for ATRs, because in a 1vs1 fight between a hunter and an animal, the difference in combat power is much smaller than in a fight between the TIS and one member of ATR movement. Also because it would be quite difficult for an animal to cover itself with anti-arrow clothes, but if the TIS is given time to recover after an attack, it can easily fortify itself against whatever weapon was used in the previous attack. Q: Should ATRs try to time their attacks using news media articles, or should they try to establish internal channels of communication? A: If ATRs relied on news media articles to time their attacks, then the establishment could trick ATR members into picking the wrong time. Either by omitting news or by publishing fake news. It would even be possible for the establishment to desynchronize the attacks by showing a news article to one geographic location at one hour, and the same news article to another geographic location at another hour. It is much better for ATRs to use internal channels of communication channels for purposes of timing their attack. Q: Should internal channels of communications which will be used for timing an attack, previously be used for other things? A: Yes. If a channel of communication was established for the explicit purpose of coordinating some kind of attack, and advertised as such; then the establishment could legally persecute the people who advertised it. For the purposes of coordinating an attack, ATRs should use their usual channels of communication, which are being used for various other purposes. Q: Out of the internal channels of communication that ATRs use, which one should be used for coordinating an attack? A: When a member of ATR movement sees their leaders announce the time to strike on one internal channel of communication, he should check other such channels before grabbing his car keys. It is very easy for establishment to publish false information on news media websites. It is much harder for the establishment to send false information through internal channels of communication of ATRs. But it is still possible. You should not assume that your contacts can’t get an email from your Gmail account unless you yourself write that email. It is within the realm of possibility that the agents of “national security” will attempt to impersonate leaders of ATR movement in order to mess up the timing of the attack. For this reason, even if usual channels of communication include things like Facebook, WhatsApp, Discord, and Google Chat; those should not be used to confirm validity of the signal. Any channel of communication that is hosted by a corporation that is likely to be cooperative with the establishment, should be used only to draw attention to the internal channels of communication that are harder for the agents of “national security” to impersonate the ATRs on. Q: Should ATRs completely eliminate the possibility of being tricked by the establishment to attack at the wrong time, by not timing the attack at all? (Neither by news media articles nor by internal communications) A: If one member of the ATR movement attacks a vital organ of the TIS, and that attack is neither accompanied nor closely followed by another member’s attack, then such attack will amount to nothing. It would not be a fatal blow. The damage inflicted upon the vital organ would just be repaired, and that vital organ would likely be fortified against attacks of similar kind. There is no way to completely eliminate the risk of establishment manipulating the members of ATR movement to attack at a wrong time. But this risk can be sufficiently mitigated by educating members to not grab their car’s keys until they got confirmation from internal channels of communication other than the one where they first saw the message that the time is ripe. Q: Should face-to-face communication be used as one of the internal channels of communication for timing the attack? A: Yes, but not large group meetings. Specifically face-to-face meetings between a few people who live relatively close to each other. And specifically while they don’t have their phone or another device with a microphone within the stuff they are carrying. Q: What are online channels of communication that are hard for the agents of “national security” to impersonate the leaders of ATR movement on? (That should be used to confirm validity of the signal that the time is ripe)? A: Email services and chatrooms hosted by dissident-friendly corporations or individuals. It is super important to remember that ATR members should check multiple channels of communication of this kind, before grabbing their car’s keys. Q: While it might be hard for agents of “national security” to impersonate leaders of the ATR movement within such online channels of communication, it is still easier to impersonate them there than in the face-to-face meetings. So why not rely solely on the face-to-face communication to time the attack? A: Because impersonation is not the only thing to avoid. Another thing to mitigate is infiltration. In the face-to-face meetings, a member of ATR movement is unlikely to interact with more than a few, if any, people who are part of the leadership on the international level. If members were to rely solely on the information from one or two individuals, then they would be vulnerable to being tricked by a group of agents of “national security”. In the case of members who don’t live close to any of the people who hold a leadership position on the international level, they would need to rely on people with the local leadership position, which are much easier to obtain, and hence more open to infiltration and incompetence. In the online channels of communication, members of ATR movement will be receiving a signal from many people who hold leadership positions on the international level, which mitigates the risk of infiltration and incompetence. So in order to mitigate both those risks and the risk from impersonation, online channels of communication and face-to-face meetings should be used in combination to verify the validity of the signal that the time is ripe. Q: For the purposes of verifying the validity of the signal that the time is ripe, why are online internal channels of communication okay to include, but large group face-to-face meetings not? A: Because when online internal channels of communication inform the members that the time is ripe, they will need less than 30min to check other online internal channels of communication. Then they can quickly grab their car’s keys and depart for the location they need to be at. If they were to get a signal that the time is ripe in a large face-to-face meeting, then some of the members would need long time to get from the location of that meeting to the location they need to be at. Additionally, large group face-to-face meetings are not efficient for members to get to know each other well and build trust, compared to the face-to-face meetings of few members at the time; and since some members would need to travel further, the cost of traveling would increase. So the large group face-to-face meetings are unnecessary. Q: How will ATRs take the establishment off-guard with their attack? A: Given the amount of members of ATR movement whose active participation will be necessary to deliver a fatal blow to one of the vital organs of the TIS, and given that the establishment would be fully informed even if only 1 of their agents successfully infiltrated the relevant channels of communication; it is impossible to take the establishment off-guard. Internal communications of ATR movement are being read by agents of “national security”, and this will remain so no matter what ATRs do. Q: Should ATR movement’s members try to prevent the agents of “national security” from being informed about the time of the coordinated attack, by trying extremely hard to keep out such agents from the relevant channels of communication? A: No. Because doing so would generate too many false positives, keeping out countless members who are being genuine. It would also make the members of the ATR movement spend a tremendous amount of time on vetting, and time is a precious resource that ATRs need for many activities. Rather, ATRs should assume that the agents of “national security” will see it when the signal that the time is ripe has been sent. Q: If the agents of “national security” will see the signal once it’s sent, how will ATRs be able to successfully deal a fatal blow to the TIS? A: It is impossible outside of a revolutionary situation. A revolutionary situation is a situation where a large portion of competent people that the establishment is paying to defend it, are either reluctant to do their job properly, or too busy fighting other battles. Q: But if ATRs wait for the revolutionary situation, then won’t other revolutionary groups be fighting the establishment for entirely different goals? A: Yes, they will. And that’s a good thing for the ATR movement. Other revolutionary groups, such as religious extremists, racial nationalists, aulist bioconservatives, and disenfranchised opportunists will be fighting the defenders of the establishment for their own reasons. And this will reduce the amount of resources the establishment has to allocate for defending the vital organs of the TIS from ATRs. Q: Is ATR a literal revolution, a redistribution of power? A: Yes. Power is currently centralized in the hands of a micro-minority. Power is more centralized today than it was ever before in human history. If ATR is successful, it will become impossible for so few people to maintain power over such large areas that they have power over today. So one of the effects of ATR will be that power will be redistributed. The only differences between ATR and other revolutions, is that ATRs will destroy much more of the mechanisms for governing and achieve their goal within the very process of revolution, without ever winning the struggle for power and becoming the government. In any revolution, there are some people who participate, but don't get a seat in the government after the revolution. So pursuing a goal that might be achieved without becoming an establishment, does not disqualify ATRs from being literal revolutionaries. Q: Will other revolutionary groups not attack ATRs during the revolutionary situation? A: Because the establishment’s forces will be directly attacking other revolutionary groups (as well as ATRs), and ATRs will not be directly attacking other revolutionary groups, there will be at least an implicit alliance between ATRs and other revolutionary groups. ATRs doing their thing will indeed reduce the prize that other revolutionary groups can get by seizing power. But the lives of members of other revolutionary groups will be in the immediate danger from the establishment, and they will care more about surviving that struggle than about living a life of comfort after the revolution. There are indeed people who value comfort over their lives, but such people will not be revolutionaries in the first place. So other revolutionary groups will not focus on attacking ATRs during the revolutionary situation. At least not until they feel secure that they will win against the establishment. And by that point, it will be too late for anyone to stop the ATR. Q: But will other revolutionary groups not attack ATRs BEFORE the revolutionary situation? A: Verbally, with arguments and propaganda perhaps. But if they attacked ATRs with violence before the revolutionary situation, the establishment would use that as an excuse to prosecute them. So it’s not going to happen, at least not on the large scale. Furthermore, ATRs will be well integrated into the bioconservative movement, so it will be hard for other revolutionary groups to attack them too much without angering the rest of the bioconservative movement. Q: What are the “vital organs” of the TIS? A: This list might change over time. In 2023 “vital organs” of the TIS are: The electric power industry, the computer industry, and the financial system. In the past, a significant portion of money was in paper form, so the financial system was impractical as a target. But in 2023, only a tiny portion of money is in paper form. Physically destroying the servers on which information about who has how much electronic money is stored, would cause the amount of chaos that would make it impossible to maintain the TIS. Q: Which of the “vital organs” of the TIS should ATRs target? A: This must be decided by the leaders of ATR movement at a later date. Most ATRs are currently leaning towards the electric power industry. But as of 2023, it’s too early to decide. The TIS is too healthy at the moment, and the ATRs are too weak at the moment. When it’s time to decide, this decision must not be made dogmatically or emotionally. It must be made after careful technical considerations, and the most practical target must be chosen. Q: In which country should ATRs operate? A: ATRs must operate internationally. Each of the “vital organs” of the TIS consists of multiple facilities, which are spread across different countries. Destroying a few facilities of each vital organ would not destroy any of the vital organs, and the TIS would survive. The goal of ATRs is not to bring down a particular government, but to destroy the TIS as a whole. It is theoretically possible that at some point in the future all facilities of one of the “vital organs” will be stacked in one country, but as of 2023 that is not the case. For the TIS to be destroyed, many major facilities of one of its “vital organs” must be destroyed. Q: Should ATRs spontaneously attack facilities of the electrical power industry? A: Such attacks would draw unwanted attention of the establishment to the ATRs, and give it a way to justify to the non-ATRs, its persecution of the ATRs. Such attacks would make it much harder for ATRs to spread their ideology. The TIS has incomparably more people and resources than ATR movement does, so a war of attrition would be highly unfavorable to ATRs. Between the spontaneous attacks on facilities, the TIS would have time to heal and it would learn through experience on how to fortify itself against such attacks. But if ATRs, instead of spontaneously carrying out tiny attacks on their own, attack all at once in the most opportune moment, the TIS will have no time to heal, and no data on how it should fortify itself.