Resistance Protocols

Letter to those who believe nothing can be changed

This introduction is for the doomers, the black-pilled, the defeatists, and the discouraged. The future is not fully predictable. If you examine the accuracy of the forecasts made by various experts, such as climate scientists or economists, you will realize that the experts made wrong predictions time and time again. This is not due to some errors in math, but due to the fact that in complex systems, cause-to-effect relationships are very difficult to analyze: hardly ever does one given parameter depend on just one other factor. What happens is that all factors and parameters are interrelated by multiple feedback loops, the structure of which is far from obvious. [1] Furthermore, in complex systems, there is a possibility that on-and-off factors exist. For example, a biologist might establish a theoretical model for predicting the behavior of sea breams, during winter. And other biologists might test this model during winter, and confirm through experimentation, that model indeed perfectly predicts the behavior of sea breams. But then despite their rigorous research methods, comes summer along with conditions that did not exist during winter, and the behavior of seabreams deviates from the theoretical model. A careful biologist might be able to guess that the behavior of sea breams might differ with seasons, but as a general rule it is not possible for an expert to completely rule out the possibility that during the time of the testing, there existed no on-and-off factors that were currently off. In the military, these factors are commonly referred to as “unknown unknowns”. [2] The likely predictions for the future of humanity do look grim, but there is no rational basis for ruling out the possibility that due to some factors we are currently unaware of, our predictions will turn out wrong. Modern technology is in the process of bringing about the most profound changes in human society as well as in its physical and biological environment. That the consequences of such changes are unpredictable has been demonstrated not only theoretically, but also through experience. For example, no one could have predicted in advance that modern changes, through mechanisms that still have not been definitely determined, would lead to an epidemic of allergies. [3] Predictions about permanent enslavement or extinction of humanity are no exception to this. And it logically follows from the fact that permanent enslavement and extinction of humanity are uncertain, that there is still hope for humans to one day establish a better society. Even if we ourselves do not live long enough to see a better society, a life of laying foundations for a better society, is more fulfilling than alternative lifestyles. Hermit lifestyle tends to be enjoyable for a few weeks, as it provides space for people to reflect on the experiences they had in society. But after a few weeks, the hermit lifestyle starts feeling empty and unrewarding. Hedonistic lifestyle is the default option in highly industrialized societies, and we know for a fact that these societies have very high rates of depression, nervous tension, and anxiety disorders. [4] Historically, some political movements did get what they asked for. For example, the American movement for independence from the British Empire did succeed. If what you tried has failed, might be not because nothing can be achieved, but either because the particular goal you were working towards was unrealistic, or because you were using a particular means that doesn’t work. If you still have enough fight in you to finish reading this book, you will learn the specifics of what can be done, and what methods actually work.
Sources: [1] Roberto Vacca, “The Coming Dark Age”, translated by J. S. Whale, Doubleday, 1973, page 13 [2] Nassim Nicholas Taleb, “The Black Swan” [3] “Allergy Epidemic,” U.S. News & World Report, May 8, 2000, pages 47–53. “Allergies: A Modern Epidemic,” National Geographic, May 2006, pages 116–135. [4] In regard to the sickly psychological state of modern man, see, e.g.: “The Science of Anxiety,” Time, June 10, 2002, pages 46–54 (anxiety is spreading and afflicts 19 million Americans, page 48; drugs have proven very useful in the treatment of anxiety, page 54); “The Perils of Pills,” U.S. News & World Report, March 6, 2000, pages 45–50 (almost 21 percent of children 9 years old or older have a mental disorder, page 45); “On the Edge on Campus,” U.S. News & World Report, February 18, 2002, pages 56–57 (the mental health of college students continues to worsen); Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1996, Volume 24, page 423 (in the United States the suicide rate of persons between 15 and 24 years old tripled between 1950 and 1990; some psychologists think that growing feelings of isolation and rootlessness, and that life is meaningless, have contributed to the rising suicide rate); “Americanization a Health Risk, Study Says,” Los Angeles Times, September 15, 1998, pages A1, A19 (a new study reports that Mexican immigrants in the United States have only half as many psychiatric disorders as persons of Mexican descent born in the United States, page A1). Contributing materials: Ted Kaczynski, “The Coming Revolution” s will have different beliefs and different knowledge gaps as they start reading this book. In order to make the introduction smooth for everyone for whom this book is intended, the book has multiple introductions. The reader should pick an introduction based on his own starting point. It is unnecessary to read more than one.