Resistance Protocols

The First Step (Solving Large-Scale Problems)

For intentionally solving any large-scale problem, two things are needed – A good concrete plan and a capable organization that will follow it. Start by looking around for a capable organization that is following a good plan. If there is one, just join it and you can skip the rest of this article. If there isn’t one, then continue reading. Start by searching the internet for plans to solve the particular large-scale problem that you want to solve. If you find more than one, take what is good from each of them and compile it into a single plan. Once you are down to only one plan, think about what you can do to improve it. A person writing a plan doesn’t necessarily need to perform any role within the organization that will be following it. Until you have a good concrete plan, dedicate your full attention to refining your plan, and refrain from taking on any other time-consuming role within the organization that you will be building. While it is necessary for the proper functioning of an organization for it to have a good concrete plan, keep in mind that you should never declare the finer details of your plan to be final. An organization following it, should always be prepared to amend the plan when new circumstances or great ideas arise. When you are writing a concrete plan for solving a particular large-scale problem, follow these steps: 1. Reach out to people who spoke or wrote about the problem that you are trying to solve. 2. Start by telling them that you also care about the problem they mentioned. 3. Ask them if they have a plan to solve that problem. “Yes” route 4: Ask them to send it to you in written form. 5: Identify the biggest flaw within their plan. Never call the plan bad or defective, or say that there is a problem with it. Frame your objection to their plan as a question, and even if you are certain that they can’t give a good answer, act naive, act as if you believe they know something you don’t. 6. Do not present them with your alternative yet. Once you have planted the seeds of doubt about their plan, start slowly backing out of the conversation and tell them you want to talk more about this problem again at another time. 7. Wait a number of days. You should decide the number of days based on how invested the person is in this problem. If they are very passionate about solving them, you can send them your plan 3 days after you made them doubt their plan. The less they care about this problem, the more you should wait before sending them your plan, because a person who is less passionate about it will take longer to process the inadequacies of their plan. A person who is very passionate about will spend a big portion of their free time thinking about what you asked, and thus will be ready for another plan sooner. 8. Identify all the good points of their plan, and integrate them into your plan if possible. “No” route 4: Ask them if they are willing to read your plan and assist you in realizing it if they think it’s good after reading it. 5: If they say they aren’t, end the conversation and move on to the next person. If they say they are, proceed with step 9. 9. Send them your plan, and along with it ask if they think any part of it is “factually wrong or tactically wrong”. This is important because by phrasing it like this, you are helping them switch from their emotional side of the brain to their logical side of the brain. 10. After you sent them your plan, wait two weeks, and if you haven’t heard back from them in the meantime, ask if they have read your plan. If they haven’t, end the conversation and move on to the next person. 11. If they don’t have objections against your plan, proceed to step 12. If they raise any objections against your plan, carefully consider if they might be correct. Then if they are, ask if they have an idea for how your plan should be modified. If they aren’t, patiently explain your reasoning, and add qualifiers such as “I think” and “I believe”. 12. Familiarize all the people with whom you made it past the previous step with the concept of “unity in truth”. To all those who reject unity in truth, wish good luck and cut communication with them. 13. Establish a communication channel between all the people who accept unity in truth. 14. Ask all the people in this channel individually, if they have leadership skills and desire to take on the role of one of the interim leaders. (Are leaders necessary?) 15. Those who say “yes”, should talk to each other and see if they can agree on who should be the interim supreme leader. 16. If they do not agree, then each interim leader should create their own organization, and the rest of the members should put effort into investigating which interim leader is more qualified for the position, and join that interim leader’s organization. 17. Each interim leader should ask his organization’s members individually what talents and skills they have, and guide them to pick a role. “Probably the hardest part of building a movement is the very first step: One has to collect a handful of strongly committed people of the right sort. Once that small nucleus has been formed, it should be easier to attract additional adherents. A point to bear in mind, however, is that a group will not attract and hold adherents if it remains a mere debating society. One has to get people involved in practical projects if one wants to hold their interest. This is true whether one intends to build a revolutionary movement or one directed merely toward reform.” – Uncle Ted